Are Leather Cowboy Hats Waterproof?

Are Leather Cowboy Hats Waterproof?

Apart from ranching purposes, the cowboy hat has become a quintessential part of western fashion. However, while buying something practical like a hat, you not only want it to look good but also be able to hold up to weather conditions.

The functionality of a cowboy hat is manifold, aside from protecting your face from the sun, the western hat is meant to keep your head cozy and dry from water. Sadly, it is rare to find a cowboy hat that can bear extreme weather conditions without getting damaged, unless a hat is particularly designed for that purpose.

If you get caught in the rain the hat is meant to protect you from getting soaked, and while your straw and felt hats fail you on such occasions, a leather cowboy hat can come in handy.

While some leather hats are waterproof the majority aren’t, and it is a bad idea to wear one in rain as it loses it shape and texture when dried.

The majority of faux leather hats tend to be waterproof but leather hats, like other genuine leather products such as jackets and bags require proper care and protection from foreign elements.

Can a Leather Cowboy Hat be worn in rain?

Known for their ruggedness, the cowboy hat of today is in fact quite fragile and needs proper care if you want them to last for a long time. Like their straw and felt counterparts, a leather cowboy hat shouldn’t be worn in the rain as it may damage the shape and color as well as the material of the hat.

Some cowboy leather hats come with prior waterproofing and can be worn in the rain. Even though such hats develop an added layer of protection with the application of various oils and waxes, it is still not a good idea to expose a leather hat to water for an extended period.  

Excessive rain can damage every hat material, but a properly waterproofed leather hat is less likely to be quickly damaged. If you are looking for a hat that you can wear in the rain without hesitation, you should definitely go with the leather cowboy hat option. However, being an expensive commodity to invest in, you should be extra careful while buying a waterproof leather hat, that the seller is selling what they are marketing.

How to waterproof a Leather Cowboy Hat?

Leather is known for its toughness but is still a porous material and can easily be damaged by harsh weather conditions. It is always a good idea to waterproof your hat before taking it out for a test drive in the rain.

While waterproofing your hat, you need to be gentle with it and make sure that you are using the right products.

Leather care products such as leather conditioners which are made of a natural blend of waxes and oils can be easily bought. These products are designed for the sole purpose of waterproofing and softening leather items to keep them in flawless condition for years and prevent the leather from getting brittle or cracking out.

By using waterproofing treatments and specially formulated cleaners, not only will your leather cowboy hat be protected from the rain it will also last for years.  Moreover, by simply locking in moisture with the application of oil and waxes, you’ll also notice the improvement in the overall exterior outlook of the leather cowboy hat as it will cover cracks in the leather and keep your hat fresh.

Before you start with the process, make sure that the hat is clean of any grime or dirt by brushing or wiping it down carefully with a soft cloth. Avoid using a damp cloth to clean any dirt off the hat but in case it is necessary then wait for the leather to completely dry off before you condition it, otherwise the leather won’t hold the waxes and oils.

As cowboy hats come in a variety of leathers it is important to make sure that you are buying the right type of waterproofing materials for the leather you’re going to condition. Do a spot test on the unexposed part of the leather to check it the materials cause any discoloration. You can proceed to use it on your leather hat once you are satisfied.

Tips for Leather Cowboy Hat care:

  • If your hat gets wet let it air dry instead of using artificial sources of heat such a s oven and hair dryer as it is likely to damage the leather.
  • Always use a dry and clean cloth to wipe off settled drops of water on your hat.
  • Use a cover when storing it with other clothing pieces. As leather is porous it is likely to absorb moisture off of other wearables such as boots and makeup.
  • Don’t let a wet hat hang, instead turn it upside down and let it sit on its crown to dry off.
  • Take a wet hat off by the brim instead of touching its crown as it will deform the hat.


Even though a waterproof leather cowboy hat will protect you from getting wet prevent your hat from soaking in rainwater. But if it is unavoidable, always make sure you let it dry out properly before putting it on again.

Since not all hats are waterproof, waterproofing your Leather cowboy hat is a great way to maintain its shape and outlook for a long time.

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